Jun 12, 2010 | Baby Photos
Dear Peanut Butter and Honey,
I would like to take a moment to thank you and your sister, PBJ, for saving the day on countless occasions. On many-a-day when dinner is still half an hour away, or I find myself staring aimlessly around my kitchen with no plan and no where with all to make one, you divebomb in faster than a speeding bullet with a white bread cape. Or sometimes wheat.

Even when it was just me, in college, tired from studying or walking the big old hill up to my dorm room, you were always there. Your protein and sugary-sweet goodness enabled me to press on.

And now when the grumble of the tummy of one little Bear threatens to disrupt the cosmos of our home, you swoop in to the rescue, with your wholesome goodness and your gentle presence.
Your soft and lovely texture is gentle enough for the sorest teething gums. And even though the tiny Bear may grow weary of the lady who won’t stop taking photos…

He never seems to grow weary of you.
So on behalf of Moms, Dads and Babysitters everywhere, I want to take a moment to say thanks. Peanut Butter and Honey, and Peanut Butter and Jelly, you gals make the world a sweeter place to be.
Jun 2, 2010 | Uncategorized
“There’s something different about the laundry around here…” said the Bear.

“I just can’t put my finger on it.”
“There is something different about the laundry, Bear Bear.” I explained.
“Because a sweet, sweet family back in the Carolinas sent us some adorable stuff!
And lots of it!”
“Well it sure is comfortable,” the Bear replied.

“And I even have my own Bear now.

I get the feeling these new pajamas could jumpstart my modelling career.
Don’t you think so?

Can you tell I’m posing, Mama?”

“Well I certainly think you’re a handsome Bear. And your Dad looks handsome in his new laundry, too.”
“Everything seems very fashionable, Mama. Cos dinosaurs are IN.
But I suppose this hood makes the dinosaur PJs quite functional too. I like watching Veggie Tales with my hood on.

I think Uncle Andy is gonna wanna know if these come in his size.

I just feel like I can try something new every day!
I might pretend I don’t feel cool…
But I really like it when all the ladies at church Ooh and Ahh and think I’m cute.”
“Say Mama?”
“Yes Bear?”
“When you talk to that sweet family in the Carolinas, tell them I said thank you.”
“Sure thing Bear Bear. I most certainly will.”
Sweet family in the Carolinas, you know who you are…THANK YOU SO MUCH! What a wonderful blessing you are to us!
With LOTS of love and MANY thanks,
xHH, CC & the Bear
May 29, 2010 | Stories, The Parenthood
While I seem to keep heading in the direction of making a vow of poverty, God keeps supplying our every need through people we know and love (and sometimes strangers!) with exceeding abundance. Remember when I thought it wouldn’t be the end of the world if we couldn’t get the Bear a new bike when he outgrew his car? Well, his “Guh-Guh” thought otherwise and sent some funds for us to buy the Bear a new bike.
So while we were in Bloemfontein we found THE bike at a great price at a store that has quickly found a place in my heart, Kloppers. Kloppers represents the beauty of the old-fashioned general store to me, before the days of Walmart where all was privatized, sanitized, streamlined and shiny-floored. On their carpeted aisles, you can find everything from camping gear and garden tools to glass cut the perfect size to fit a wooden picture frame you bought on the side of the road for 20 Rand to electronics and school uniforms to fine china and awesome kitchen gadgets. And then some! The staff are incredibly friendly and even when you’re not an Afrikaans speaker (like myself) and you happen to find a staff member who doesn’t speak English, they still try their darndest to help you out, and it sure is sweet.
Sadly the nearest Kloppers to us is ages away. But we enjoy a few visits each time we’re in Bloem!
I apologize! On to the Thank You Note at hand!
A lot of folks around here seem to be getting the bikes with no peddles that the kids push with their feet and it helps them learn balance. (Is it the same in the States right now?) But we wanted to go ahead and get a proper one with training wheels that would last a while. And we finally found one (at Kloppers!) at a great price. And they lowered the seat a little so the Bear could reach the pedals now … well almost.
Introducing…the Bearcycle!

We tried it out for size again once Hero Hubs had the training wheels back on (after the trip down from Bloem).
And then we were off!

He was very excited to get going!
Not sure why he brought his train, but we put it in his hood while he rode. 🙂
It definitely put a smile on the Bear’s dial. Look at him go!

What’s that? You’ve noticed that his feet aren’t on the pedals…and there’s a rope out front?
Oh yeah…

Well, he hasn’t quite got it yet, it’s still a little big for him…so this is how we roll in the meantime.

He’ll get the hang of it.
Not a bad setting for a first bike ride, hey?

Dear Guhn-Guh,
I miss you so far away in the USA. Thank you for my new bearcycle. I REALLY like it and sometimes I push it around the house even thought I’m not sposed to. I look forward to saying thank you in person! In the meantime, I’ll be working on my skills to show off when we’re together next!
I love you!
your Bear
Thanks so much, Dad!
Mar 25, 2010 | Baby Photos
Dear G.C.,
Thank you so much for my new pajamas.
I love them and I feel like I can do anything in them!
And when I say anything,
I mean like, really, G.C., anything.
See how I can go?
It has cooled off the past few days and they are just snuggly-wuggly, perfect.
And now that I have my hairs all cut…
I think I’m a rather handsome boy in them, dancing to my laptop music with my new haircut and my new pajamas.
So thanks, G.C.! I like my ‘jamas and I love you lots.
xoxo, the Bear