Just a Lil Bit Busy…

Hey guys and gals! Such good stuff is happening in these parts…but we sure are busy. While we’re planning distributions, awaiting the arrival of the shoes (ETA – Saturday!!) and working on our taxes due on the 15th, (there’s an extra 60 days when you live overseas) I’m also working on a little something I look forward to sharing with you soon…

I’m hoping you’ll give me some feedback and perhaps get involved!

In the meantime, if you’re the praying kind, I sure would appreciate your prayers for us over the next month. We’ll be volunteering with a local ministry called Living Hope perhaps on a daily basis for a couple of weeks, AND making sure shoes get to where they’re supposed to be — in the right sizes and quantities — over the next month. Whoo-hoo!

More soon…


A BIG Thanks to Some Sweet People

“There’s something different about the laundry around here…” said the Bear.

“I just can’t put my finger on it.”

“There is something different about the laundry, Bear Bear.” I explained.
“Because a sweet, sweet family back in the Carolinas sent us some adorable stuff!

And lots of it!”

“Well it sure is comfortable,” the Bear replied.

“And I even have my own Bear now.

I get the feeling these new pajamas could jumpstart my modelling career.

Don’t you think so?

Can you tell I’m posing, Mama?”

“Well I certainly think you’re a handsome Bear. And your Dad looks handsome in his new laundry, too.”

“Everything seems very fashionable, Mama. Cos dinosaurs are IN.

But I suppose this hood makes the dinosaur PJs quite functional too. I like watching Veggie Tales with my hood on.

I think Uncle Andy is gonna wanna know if these come in his size.

I just feel like I can try something new every day!

I might pretend I don’t feel cool…

But I really like it when all the ladies at church Ooh and Ahh and think I’m cute.”

“Say Mama?”

“Yes Bear?”

“When you talk to that sweet family in the Carolinas, tell them I said thank you.”

“Sure thing Bear Bear. I most certainly will.”

Sweet family in the Carolinas, you know who you are…THANK YOU SO MUCH! What a wonderful blessing you are to us!
With LOTS of love and MANY thanks,
xHH, CC & the Bear

Happy Mother’s Day!!

It’s a very special day today! And I’m sure all of you have really good Moms, but I have the best Mom ever! Thanks for being the best, Mom!

Look what Karen from Little Miss Priss Designs made for the best-ever-Mom for Mother’s Day! I am PUMPED!

(G.C. is the nickname for my Mom — “Grandma Claire” — although the Bear can’t quite say it yet, we’re confident he’ll get it soon.)

I miss you so much, Mom! And even though we’re travelling all over deepest, darkest South Africa at the moment, I am confident that our wireless modem is going to find a signal for us to talk to you today, and I can’t wait! Thanks for being a one-of-a-kind wonderful, patient, gracious, loving Mom and even supportive of the work that takes me half a world away from you! Can’t wait to see you in August! I love you so much!


Yuck! Upgrade gone wrong!

Hey guys. How unbelievable is this? The day I tell you all how great I think Thesis is, I upgrade to version 1.7 and my site is a total mess. It’s gonna take me a bit to figure this all out, so while it’s in a state of total disrepair, please forgive me! I’ll get it together soon!


Update: It was operator error. I can occasionally be a bit of a ninnymuggins. I kind of freaked out. We’re back to normal with improvements on the way soon.  🙂

Under Construckshun

Hi guys and gals!  I am updating a few things, a’swirling and a’twirling a few things around, and hoping to in the end produce a nicer look and feel for you very soon. So if over the next day or two (or forgive me, maybe three) things look a little funky, strange or odd, please forgive me. All the content you’ve enjoyed from days gone by is still available! And there’s more great stuff to come! And hopefully it might mean I’ll be able to pocket some change at the same time which could support our ministry here — and wouldn’t that just be a win/win/win situation?  In the meantime, we’re


whilst hosting grandparents and juggling a now running toddler whoathathappenedfast
so please excuse the mess!


P.S. If while I’m at it, you have any requests, suggestions, preferences, etc., I would love to hear them! What do you like? What don’t you like? Please let me know!

Discouraged to Encourage

Hey my friends, I don’t have much happy stuff to say right now. There are probably some nice and encouraging posts in my backlog that I could share with you. They would talk about the Bible and how good the Lord is and hopefully be an encouragement to you. But I suppose it would be putting up a front and not being real. Although the Lord is always good. If I’m real, I must say it has been a rough couple of days. An end of the month peanut-butter and honey or better yet empty soup because we’re sticking to our budget whilst arguing with South African Revenue Services and FedEx about a package my Mom sent that they want us to pay pretty much the entire value of the package for in duties and customs kind of couple of days.

I have more blessings than I can count. But sometimes I still struggle to stay content when I’ve gotten splashes of oil on yet another top even though my apron was hanging on the hook behind me, and we didn’t have enough milk to at least make chocolate milk and still have cereal in the morning. Tomorrow is another day, hopefully a pay day and a grocery-store visiting, car-filling up, smiles on our faces kind of day. But in the meantime, I’ve been working on sending encouragement your way for a while…so if you’d like to send some my way, today would be a good day, and I sure would love to receive it. And feel free to throw up a prayer or two while you’re at it, especially one including a certain 18 month old receiving his grandmother’s birthday present. Before he’s two.

Is it okay for me to be real?