Tis the Season: For Christmas Change

Does Christmas ever feel a bit icky to you in some strange way? Like you feel like you’d like to do things differently…make it less about Santa and more about Jesus…less about the presents and more about His Presence…less about the twinkly lights and more about letting your light shine? You get the idea.

Charlie Brown's Delightful TreeIf so, I just want to share a quick recommendation with you. There’s a website called Christmas Change that I came across the other day, and from what I’ve read so far, I’ve found some great thoughts and encouragement that you might also find inspirational for making some of the changes that will make Christmas less ‘icky’ and more full of peace, love and Jesus! I particularly enjoyed this post — especially the loads and loads of comments. Please read the comments — they’re the best part!

A few of the changes around the Collie household so far…I think I’ve already told you we won’t have a tree in our flat (since we gave it away in Edinburgh and I’d rather save up for a dishwasher!) and we’re not spending money on new decorations. I’ve been trolling the web for ideas of things to do with things we already have. (Like my pom-poms!) I’m hoping we’ll draw names among the adults at our get-together at Mark’s parents’ in Bloemfontein, so that we don’t waste money getting each other something just to get each other something, but everyone still has a little prezzie on Christmas morning. (The Bear will probably still get prezzies from everyone…but that’s okay, he actually needs new toys.)

More than anything else, I am really hoping to take our peaceful time in Bloemfontein as a time of refreshing and reflection, to go after His Presence instead of going out to look for presents, and to share love and a good time with family. (Although I will surely be missing my Mom & Dad & brother & sister!)

Are you planning on making any changes to your Christmas this year? Please do share!

Christmas-tastic Decorations on a Budget

There was such a prodigious plethora of stuff being given away when we left Edinburgh I cannot remember who ended up with our Christmas tree. Or just about anything else. Except I remember Agnes’ happy dance when she tried on the pink puffy vest I gave her. But that may have been for the wellies.

Anyway, a very small number of Christmas decorations made it with us from Scotland to South Africa. And when I think about the things I would rather spend money on (like saving up for a dishwasher, please, Lord!) and flights back to North Carolina, I don’t really feel like laying a huge chunk of change into something I’m only going to see one month outta the year.

The other day I was reading a blog I am really enjoying — Balancing Beauty and Bedlam — and came across some party decoration ideas that I decided to “Christmascise” for a little bit more Christmas flavour in this South African flat, sans the costliness. I made some adorable little “pom-poms” and hung some of the Christmas ornaments that did make it here underneath. Here are the basic directions, but you can also check it out on Jen’s blog here. (And check out the Martha Stewart version — posh!)

So. You’re instructed to start out with 8 sheets of tissue paper stacked together. I didn’t have enough of the silver coloured paper, so I just used 6. (It looks a little different, but I like it.) And I had even less gold paper, so I decided to cut what I had in half and make two small pom-poms — using 8 small sheets. If the paper is different on each side (mine was) I would alternate which side is facing up.


Since my Christmas decorations from Scotland are pink and green and silver, I decided to go with silver and gold pom poms, but red and green tissue paper might make this even more Christmas-tastic.

Next step: fold the paper accordion style, back and forth. Then use a rubber band (or, I used a twist tie because my rubber bands didn’t seem to be the right size) to gently hold the accordion of potential Christmas delight together at the centre. Don’t make it too tight or it may end up looking funky.


Once it’s nicely squooshed together and banded or twist-tied, round the edges off with some scissors so that it’ll look nicer and more fluffy when finished. 🙂 (For the little gold pom-poms, I cut the edges at sharp angles before I twist-tied them, because I thought it would be cuter and look more like stars. This could seriously rock a Christmas pageant as a cheap Star of Wonder!) Forgive me for not taking enough pictures to give you a play by play of visual instructions. If you need more help, click on Balancing Beauty and Bedlam above!

If you know how you are going to hang your Christmastastic Pom-poms, I’d suggest going ahead and tying your string…fishing line…shoelaces… into your rubber band or twist tie. If you’re planning to hang something from the pom pom, don’t forget to tie a piece in each edge. After you have your tissue paper twist-tied together, your edges are nice and purty, and your string is attached, you simply fan it out and gently pull each sheet away from the centre, first on one side, and then on the other. Fluff it and move things around until it looks how you like it. You should eventually arrive at this:


How great and simple is that? I actually had that sassy Christmas decor string from Scotland — I think Miss Heather picked it out, thanks Heather! I thought it came together quite nicely!

Once Mark helped me tape them to the ceiling the Bear woke up from his nap and pointed at them with a “happy grunt”. Hooray for his stamp of approval!  Here’s the final product:


Since they’re near our balcony door, they gently sway in the breeze. When the southeaster picks up…we have to close the door. 🙂 So there’s a cheap and cheerful Christmas-tastic idea for you! If you have any Budget Christmas decor ideas you’d like to share, I’m trying out a new link widget below. Please comment, and add a link with your name and website!

Thanksgiving Festivities have ended…let the Christmas cheer begin!

Foodtastic Friday? Tasty Tasty Bakey, Mashy Tatties

So, we thought some friends were coming over for a braai last night, (translation for my Americans & Brits: Grilling Out or Having a Barbecue) but when they weren’t able to make it, I had a ton of mashed potatoes left over, and they ended up being a super tasty treat this evening. So much so that I had to share the recipe. The Lord has blessed me with Faith like Potatoes again! (This time, meaning, faith that I could stand to eat potatoes again, after having them the night before, and just a few nights before that). If you’re not a fan of recipe-blogging, please say so and I’ll do my best to keep it to a minimum. However, if you are, let me know, because it will make my day! (Especially if you try it!) And I can perhaps begin an occasional Foodtastic Friday!

Now on to the tasty tasty tatties! I seriously made these with stuff that we already had in the flat — and considering the fact that we are in a holiday accommodation flat (meaning not the place we live) and most of my spices are hopefully floating along on a big cargo ship on their way here — I think they turned out pretty well.

These are da playas —

  • 6 or 7 medium sized peeled, boiled and mashed potatoes
  • Feta Cheese, Greek Yoghurt, butter, oil and a little milk
  • Two or three slices of bread. Old ones are fine.
  • And the following spices: Cayenne pepper, salt, garlic salt, oregano, and black pepper – preferably freshly ground (seriously, this is what I’ve picked up since we got here – all of it)

This is da game —

  • Peel and boil your tatties until they’re soft. And while they’re boiling, keep yourself busy! Toast those two or three slices of toast, give ’em a coarse grate with your cheese grater, and toss them in the oven to get a little toastier. (On a baking tray, of course!) It’s nice if the bread crumbs have some big chunks in them, so don’t be bothered if they’re not Martha Stewart. Don’t neglect them! Give them an occasional glance and stir.
  • Once your tatties have boiled, drain them and mash them in the same pot. No need to make a big mess! Melt in a few tablespoons of butter. Careful with this if you’re prone to heart disease. Maybe a reasonable facsimile is a good idea. But those have a whole other set of issues don’t they? Anyway, melt in some “butter or something” and pour in a half to 3/4 a cup of milk. Whatever’s on hand, unless it’s chocolate.
  • Stir in a few healthy shakes of cayenne pepper…whatever’s good for you. Skip it if your kids don’t fancy the hotness. A half a teaspoon of salt, and another half of garlic salt or garlic powder come next. Of course salt isn’t so good for you either, so if you need to use less, I’ll understand. Just don’t blame me if it doesn’t taste so nice. Add a generous bit of oregano. Don’t be shy. Then grind in a healthy portion of black pepper and you are cooking!
  • Now check on your breadcrumbs! Have you burnt them? Should you stir them? Hopefully you can bring them out now and let them cool a little.
  • Next crumble in a few tablespoons of feta cheese, and a couple tablespoons of greek yoghurt. Plain yoghurt is also okay, I suppose…if you have to.
  • Once all this is mixed together, taste it and see what’s missing. Add some more spices (and if you have to, butter) until you like how it tastes. If the consistency isn’t creamy, you might need a little more milk.
  • Now slap a tablespoon of oil — olive, sunflower, whatever your pleasure — into a pyrex, and get messy spreading it around and up the edges with your fingers.  Dollop your delightful mashed potatoes in, and spread them out until they’re fairly smooth and even. Sprinkle on your sassy homemade breadcrumbs, and feel free to layer them with a little grated cheese if you’re really feeling wild.
  • Bake your Tasty Tasty Tatties in a hot oven: 200C or about 375F 40 – 50 minutes, until they’re hot hot hot, and your breadcrumbs are looking tastycrunchy.

I hope you enjoy your Tasty Tasty Tatties! Please let me know if you do, as it will warm my heart!