Jul 22, 2010 | Guest Posts, Stories
Hero Hubs made our un-anniversary anniversary celebration a really lovely one, friends! Were you waiting with baited breath to hear? Fibber. Can you believe this was more than three years ago? Fibber.

Our celebration was a moment of lovely surprises. I love surprises. We started by enjoying the warm and sunny late afternoon at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town… munching some lekker hors d’ouerves with the Bear in tow. We moseyed {I looked it up — that’s how you spell it!} over to the lovely apartment of a friend of a friend where we spent the night — views of Table Mountain and stunning Cape Town in every direction, right there at the waterfront — it was gorgeous.
Our friends were so lovely and welcomed us with drinks (of course there was no alcohol — were you concerned? Fibber!) and carried our bags up for us. We fed the Bear and tucked him in, and with our wonderful friends/babysitters holding down the fort went out to dinner at an amazing restaurant on the Waterfront called Den Anker. With a uniquely Belgian-flare, we celebrated three scrumiddlyumptious years with a few of our favourite things: steak, a cold beer (for HH), ice cream (for HH) and Belgian chocolate mousse (for me – and most females). And then we floated home on a cloud.
This morning we enjoyed breakfast on the balcony watching Cape Town stretch her arms and legs and get out of bed. I saw the early yawns when I {neeeeeded} some bran flakes before 7:00. And we strolled our way back to the Waterfront to grab a latte for the road. Sigh…back to emails and phone calls. Itineraries and schedules. And laundry. 🙂 That mini-holiday made us realise how much we need a real one. (When my Mom arrives in August, holiday will too!)
However, we did make one special stop on the way home: we had our first ultrasound! It was amazing. We were in the US for the first part of my last pregnancy, and then travelled back to the UK after the point at which they do ultrasounds unless there are concerns, so we’d never properly had that warm-fuzzy ultrasound experience before.
Except for a trip to the emergency room at about ten weeks which turned out to be acute gastritis and we couldn’t properly see anything — the Bear was a peanut with a (still awe-inspiring) choo-choo train heartbeat so it doesn’t count. That was kind of a weird emergency situation, but everything was fine. A post for another day.
This little one was waving and wiggling, tiny arms and legs all a-flutter, heart beating fastfastfast…it was just so special. I tried to discreetly wipe away the occasional tear. And for reasons too difficult to explain unless you REALLY want me to take the time to do so, I just cannot post an ultrasound picture of this special little life here. Sorry. You’re gonna have to wait for the pictures on the outside!
Last thought on this post that seems to have been all over the place… 23 Months and Counting :: Life is Short is a post by yours truly, featured at Pure Life today. I hope you’ll take a moment to mosey on over and enjoy it. Will you come back and let me know what you think? Or even that you’re mad at me for not sharing ultrasound pics?
K, thanks. Love you, too. And I’m not a fibber! 😉
(and the little one eating my lunch)
Jun 11, 2010 | Guest Posts, Stories
I‘m off guest posting today! But to make sure you don’t miss me too much, I thought an excerpt and a link might entice you to join the party over at Amanda’s.
The excerpt:
Here in South Africa I’ve just had two hair cuts so far. The first wasn’t exactly what I was hoping for. The second was beyond disappointing. You see, I had asked for not much off the length (because Hero Hubs likes the long hair) but I still wanted some layers to give it a bit of movement, and the old layers in my hair needed shaping up anyway. Sorry guys, this may not seem universal at the moment but stick with me. I can only describe the act that followed as precisely NOT what I was hoping for. He took a lot off the length, and only left a little long hair in the back. He hacked into my long locks with layers galore, the shortest of which start around my ears. It is ridiculous. I left rather sorrowful and have been pulling the top layer of hair back with bobby pins or a hair clip since the cut, which was just before we left for a trip a few weeks ago.
The link:
Right here, baby. Just don’t bring your scissors.
The story:
Hopefully priceless.
Enjoy the weekend!
UPDATE: I initially forgot to add the link to this post — if you showed up with disappointment the first time round, come back and try again! As Ming Ming the Wonder Pet would say…Sowwy. 🙂
May 28, 2010 | Guest Posts
Three years in the UK and cultures finally collided. The decision to circumcise our son meant it had to happen on our kitchen table. A very skilled surgeon. Two-month-old-eyes that never looked so painfully blue. Standard procedure. Some nursing, a nap.
A discovery. …
Want to keep reading?
Well, I am feeling honoured today! A story of mine is featured at the Run-a-Muck in a wonderful series called NightLight Guide. Every Friday, folks from all over the world wide web have been getting together there to talk about issues, life experiences, questions of faith and a whole bunch of other good stuff especially focused on encouraging younger women. Awesome! Please visit the Run-a-Muck today to check it out!
And in case you’re wondering — yes, it is a very true, story indeed.
The Bear was just a little cub, like this, in case you’d like some visuals to accompany the narrative:

Have I’ve enticed you enough? Great! Now head over to the Run-a-Muck to check it out!
Feb 24, 2010 | Guest Posts
I haven’t talked too much about what’s happening with our ministry lately. That’s mainly because right now, most of our work involves networking, meetings, gathering documents from different continents to open bank accounts and P.O. Boxes, and working on being able to import shoes to give away in South Africa without paying duties and taxes. And that’s just not very interesting stuff, is it, precious?
We are really excited about what’s ahead, and we can see the blocks beginning to build one on top of another to make it all possible. And, our first ever distribution should be happening in April, if not sooner! If you’ve missed the backstory on our work with Samaritan’s Feet or want a rundown of FAQ’s mayhaps, we’re being featured on LFS Introducing’s South Africa Fortnight.
LFS Introducing is a great blog with a great gal behind it. What a privilege! You can check out the interview there…and if I didn’t answer your questions, let me know right here!

Feb 20, 2010 | Baby Photos, Guest Posts, The Good Word
We are thoroughly enjoying having a friend staying with us this weekend! Which means I am baking and cooking (and enjoying the fruits of said labour) and I don’t have anything super special to share with you here today. However! A post of mine has been featured on my friend Annie Beth’s site, so I thought I’d let you know so you can check it out! And in case you’re wondering how it might possibly relate to the strange title I’ve given this post, I’m talking about what a dangerous bedfellow Self-Pity can be. Avoid the trap!
The post should be showing up on http://www.john1verse12.blogspot.com/ today! Feel free to come back and let me know if you enjoyed it! 🙂

Read this before you throw your next pity party!
UPDATE: Here’s the direct link to the post! Silly me! I forgot to check and it was already there!
Feb 11, 2010 | Guest Posts, The Good Word
The thoughts and the thinking about covetousness continue, friends, although I haven’t been writing about it. If you saw Pam’s comment from my last post on the subject, perhaps you’ve been inspired to think about it, too! As I did some more thinking on the subject, I decided to act! And as you may have guessed, my actions had something to do with jeans, a t-shirt and glory!
However, my friend Allison holds a Thoughtful Thursday each week on her blog and she asked if I would guest post this week. I most certainly was happy to do so! So to discover the continuation of the thoughts on covetousness, and the explanation of jeans and a t-shirt glory, you’ll have to adventure over to the guest post on her site by clicking here.
Hope you enjoy! Please feel free to come back, comment, and let me know what you think!