Bless His Heart
Well, bless his heart, he got his Mama’s ears.
Let’s just hope he learns to listen sooner than she did. 🙂
Well, bless his heart, he got his Mama’s ears.
Let’s just hope he learns to listen sooner than she did. 🙂
The sights we “b” enjoying around these parts these days…
Beautiful bowls at the V&A Waterfront
Bathtime and Blue Eyes on a warm afternoon
Big and Baby Brother, just getting acquainted
Birds busy outside our window
Babies in Blue
Birds on Boats
Basking Bull terriers!
Boys in blue shirts be-dressing themselves
Although it was a clever guess, Baby Brother was not hanging out in the drying rack yesterday.
Let’s be honest. This chunky monkey isn’t fitting in any dish drying racks I’ve seen.
Although we might’ve had some fun on the pool deck, there was a fire on the hills and it was really smokey around here yesterday, so we stayed indoors all afternoon.
And although Hero Hubs might like to suggest that we would hang our second-born son from the rafters…
I’m a little more on the risk-averse end of the mothering spectrum…
so loading our bundle of joy
into a thoroughly tidied fireplace on a towel and blanket
Is about as risky as I’m gonna get!
Well done, Katharine! Here are FIVE virtual high-fives for your cleverness!
(Do you have a Jetmaster fireplace, too?)
Thanks for playing, everybody! Did you guys think those were super schweet? (Or am I a gushing newborn-mommy?)
Where we got the cutiest patootiest photies of Baby Brother yesterday?
Here’s a hint:
These are the beautiful days
when arms barely reach above
heads and lips slowly purse together
and pout as sleepytime stirs to
dreamy wakefulness
These are the beautiful days
when a tiny person’s entire being
seems employed in the joyful art of a
good wake-up stretch
These are the beautiful days
when tiny eyes seem fiercely blue
while heads tilt back, mouth open,
chin quivering, because being on the outside
is such hard work
It’s been said that freedom has a scent
like the top of a newborn baby’s head
And though I didn’t get to hear those lyrics in concert,
it’s a privilege to daily stop
and smell the music.
As you may or may not have guessed, we haven’t been doing too much travelling since Baby Brother arrived on the scene. Especially since Big Brother decided to give his baby bro his first ever brother to brother gift: a cold. The wee one is a little congested, and I think he probably has a sore throat. That’s my best guess anyway, because the Bear was generous and gave me his cold, too. But we’re all already recovering nicely…not too much to worry about there.
There’s a nice peace that seems to rest over a home (at least this has been my experience) for the first wee while after a new baby arrives. Around here, there is still a bit of Bear-sized rumpus, but for the most part things seem pretty calm and relaxed. So this Travelling Tuesday, you can join us here in Gordon’s Bay, where we’re settling in with our new bundle of joy…enjoying peace, and a bit of rumpus in turn.
One little Bear is delighted to have Goo-goo and Gammy’s attention…
…another just kind of seems to wonder what everyone is looking at.
The big boys have been hard at work around the house…
And one little boy has been hard at work eating, sleeping, and looking cute for the camera.
Big brother is learning to sing songs, say his ABCs, and do the airplane on Dad’s feet with no hands. He has even begun mastering the art of pee-peeing standing up!
Little Brother is definitely learning — we can see it in his eyes — we’re just not sure what he’s figuring out yet.
So we’re enjoying (mostly) peace and quiet around the house this Travelling Tuesday! I hope your Tuesday is going great…and that you’re enjoying your adventure today!