How to Photograph Your Three Month Old

Get out your feather-duster and paint on your happy face…it’s time to photograph the three month old! You didn’t think I’d forgotten did ya? I am trying to squeeze this post in before he’s close to four months…

Around these parts this just past eighty-nine-day-old has garnered a new nickname, bestowed upon him jointly {and unbeknownst to one another} by an uncle in Atlanta and a Hero Hubs of a Dad right here in SA. Ladies and gentleman, he’s strong like one, he’s built like one, he even arrived into the world like one (you know, quickly, and with a lot of force), here he is, in a six-month-old bodysuit with a three-month-old sticker,

the Tank!


Photographing a little one of this strength (and magnitude) may not yet require a wide angle lens, but it does still require that little bit of the forethought we talked about last month. The pillow’s ready, the lens is ready, the natural lighting’s right, the big brother is napping, and an adult or two is on hand (with feather duster and happy faces) to bring out baby’s best.



It’s okay if that “best” is just his best sneeze to begin with. Keep shooting.


You’re bound to get an inquisitive “what’s that fluffy colourful thing?” look. Actually, he was thinking of a poem.


Maybe you’ll get the “Ooh, Gammy is over there!” look. Classic.


Keep shooting for the “I’m three months old and I can holler!!!” face.


Because the I’m so sweet, pick me up, cuddle me, hug me, love me, face comes after that.


If you keep the feather-duster flying, you might even get a “Ooh! Mom’s behind the camera!”


Followed closely by a “Did I mention I can HOLLER??!”


But beware the one where he looks so much like a baby picture you’ve seen of his G-pa you’re almost teary.

Now at this point, you probably have a collective plethora of delights which you would like to include in an email, Facebook album, or mayhaps even a blog post, to share the delights of your three-month-old with all the people of the land.

But with this many happy faces, how do you choose?

Might I suggest…


you slap ’em all together and give yourself a big smile.

Happy Three Months, Tank!

All the People of the Land, and your Mom & Dad


Let Me Get Back to You on That

Sometimes things are worth taking a little extra time for. Like paying attention to tax deductions and saving your receipts. Or reading a menu at a restaurant, and then looking at the prices. Or watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy, you know, every once in a while.

I have a story to tell you that I think will be encouraging, but I haven’t had the chance to give it the proper justice of thoughtfully typing it out. I’ve had about thirty-seven false starts on that one. I have been making pizza from scratch (sauce and dough & everything!) and lemon poppyseed muffins and doing crock pot magic and enjoying Pioneer Woman’s awesome Beef Stew with Beer and Paprika. And I’ve been enjoying seeing the boys enjoying their grandparents, and vice versa. And those are good things.

But behind the scenes, the Lord has been busy making molehills out of some of those mountains I’ve been telling you about. I am encouraged, and I think you will be too.

In the meantime, please enjoy a slice of life ’round here at the moment. And if you’re keen for the big long story of God making molehills out of mountains… let me get back to you on that.




My African baby-wearing skills have not yet been perfected.


That “It’s a Girl” balloon is NOT mine. Not this week anyway.




Happy Weekend!


Thank-You Notes

Dear Uncle Russ,

Your package arrived!!


My new blankey is the softest one I’ve ever had. (And my new burpey is the softest one I’ve ever…burped on!)


Look how cute I look! Hey!


Thanks for thinking of me and sending me such cute stuff! With my new blue suit, I’m the stylingest baby in the nursery at the gym. Can’t wait to meet you right here in SA! Yay! See you soon!

Love, Little B

Dear G.C.,

Remember those pajamas you sent a few weeks ago? Well there’s just one problem with them. Mama won’t let me wear them all. day. long. I want to wear them to the gym and to church and when we go for a walk but she says pajamas are for bedtime. Would you mind telling her otherwise?

Wanna see how great they are?


Thanks so much, G.C. I miss you lots!

Love, the Bear

How To Photograph Your Two-Month-Old

As a follow up to last month’s tutorial, I thought some of you might be interested in some tips for photographing your two-month-old. And I’d like to say, yes, this baby is actually only two months old. If he looks kind of big, that’s because he is.

Get your camera settings and lighting sorted before you put the baby down, because it’s a baby, and who knows how long you’ve got. I’d recommend starting with the object you used last month, so everyone has a point of reference to see how baby is growing. {Cue Boppy nursing pillow.}


The 2 month sticker you stuck to the six-month-old long sleeve body suit might need adjustment. It should not detract from the extra chin your baby is rocking.


There ya go.

Now, you might have lucked up with a baby that always seems to be smiling. Good for you. That probably means you’re doing a good job.


But if not, a colourful feather duster and a cheerful disposition can make magic happen, ready to be captured.


And if you’re struggling to get that perfect shot where baby’s looking right at the lens,


try getting Mommy to stand right behind the camera.


And that’s how it’s done.

{A Belated} Happy Two Months to Baby Brother. We’re thinking of calling him Rocky.


Happy Mother’s Day

Some see it as an obligation, a duty or a responsibility. Some go so far as to see it as a right. But I was rather taken by the notion this morning at church that motherhood is more appropriately seen as a calling.


Answering that call often means putting other calls on hold.


It often means sacrifice. It often means heartache. It usually means pain like you’ve never felt before.


But it most certainly, for me, has meant unspeakable joy. It has meant life with bountiful laughter.


It has meant a life filled with constant reminders to slow down and enjoy the moment.



And though there are many other appropriate words for motherhood, my favourite of all is privilege.



It’s a privilege to be blessed with these boys for however many days they’re mine. And it’s a privilege worth stewarding. Worth prayerfully covering. Worth diligently and delicately holding.



May grace abound to each of you dear Mothers, today. May God grant you His presence, wisdom, peace and joy as you answer the call to motherhood. May you hold it dear as a privilege, and may your children call you blessed.



Love and blessings to my dear sister who is also a Mother. I love you and think you’re a fantastic Mom!


Much love and many thanks to my dear Mother-in-Love today. Your son would not be the wonderful man he is today without you! I’m so grateful!


And special thanks and praise to my amazing Mother who I love so dearly! You are absolutely, wonderfully one of a kind. Your sacrificial love has been a steadfast companion all the days of my life and I’m so very, very grateful for you. It is one of my most prized, and truly priceless possessions — the joy of calling you my Mom. Thank you!


I pray for those of you reading this, desiring the privilege of motherhood, that the Lord would grant that desire of your heart in His good timing, and that His grace and peace will be yours in the meantime.

Happy Mother’s Day to all near and far, privileged to be called Mother.


Hey There

With exciting deadlines and delightful house guests and a transcontinental move on the docket, I’m juggling a little bit today…but just thought I’d pop in to say hi!



{You know those hats they sometimes give you at the hospital for newborns? Baby Brother’s is — and always has been — a yarmulke. Nope, we’re not Jewish… just big.}

Baby Bro hereby promises to share his two-month old photos with you before he’s three months old. They’re great.

More to come…Have a great weekend!