Aug 7, 2011 | Baby Photos
I couldn’t share the most recent photographic celebrations of the Tank making it another month with you while we were in the Bush. Did that sentence make sense? I think there’s a misplaced modifier or some kind of ambiguity somewhere. Let’s move on. Our connection to these world wide internets was a little dodgey, and feisty, and crunchy, and if I had the time I’d throw in a few other adjectives that don’t really help explain the matter but are fun to say.
Doesn’t feisty break that i before e rule?
But we’re now back in Bloemfontein, {read BLOOM-fuhn-tane} safe and sound, with four little green bars telling us our little USB modem can now upload photos in less time than in takes to make a Hero Hubs Latte. Whoo to the Hoo.
So here’s our little star, proud of his five-month achievement.

Or maybe he’s proud of the hand-me-down corduroy cargos from H&M he’s sporting. (Thanks x 2, Sarah Mac!)

I asked him which it was, but he looked at me like I was crazy.

So we moved on to the task of keeping him smiling

which we’re discovering is not too difficult with this little guy.

Even when we’ve been in the car for ages looking for animals and he does a big numero dos all over himself and his poor Gammy, and I take ages to complete the task of changing him because I keep pausing to look out the window at all the elephants, this seems to be the permanent disposition:

Thanks for five months of sheer joy, wee Tank!
Good News! HH is busy tidying and cropping and super-dee-duperfying the photos we grabbed in the Bush! And when I say “we” I mean I think I took one photo of an elephant’s rear, and the rest was his handiwork. But I still get to share them here, isn’t that ace?
A carefully narrated game drive through the bush complemented with photography par excellence is on its way to you!
And did I tell you we’re leaving on Tuesday for the beautiful Drakensberg (a delightful mountainous world heritage site here in SA — I’ll tell ya more later) to belatedly celebrate our four-year anniversary? (Yes, both boys are coming.) Yippee!
Does anyone have a laundry wand I can borrow to wave at our suitcases?
Jul 15, 2011 | Baby Photos, The Parenthood
He’s already close to five months and I still haven’t put the four month photos up yet! How did this happen? I really can’t think of what could have been going on that would’ve put the important task of sharing these photos on the back burner for three weeks!

What a mystery.
Anywho, guess what? The Tank crossed the four month finish line! And during our last few days in Gordon’s Bay, we managed to document it!
I grabbed the feather duster, the Hubs got the camera ready…

We did our best to get some smiles and giggles…

and to get them directed at the camera…

but it was getting kind of tough…

and the Tank was unsure how he felt about the big fuss after a while.

So we had to go with what was working…

And this four-month old wanted to demonstrate his skillful standing!

We resettled him in one more attempt at a money shot…

And eventually, I think we got it!

{When you’re four months old, you’re cool with drool.}
{A belated} Happy Four Months, Little One!
Jul 3, 2011 | Baby Photos
Excited to be here.
Pretty wiped from two days of travel.
Enthused and hopeful, based on how well these boys handled a heckuvalotta travel.
Too tired to think of much more to say. But it’s coming. Believe you me.
Can you guess which baby boy this is?

Jun 28, 2011 | Baby Photos
Just popping in to say hi again!

My Mom and Dad are busy packing and watching the shipping company pack in hopes that none of their wedding china gets broken on this trip.
My brother is busy squealing and giggling and asking everyone “What your favoruh coluh?” and listening to stories about four bears who went on a long trip to Bloemfontein, and then took the plane to see Unky Vaughan in London, and then rode the train to Scotland, and then took the train back to Unky Vaughan…and then rode the airplane to ‘Meruhkuh in Tember. And all their toys went on a bigbigbigbigbigbigbig ship and were there when they got there.
And I’m busy drooling and laughing and reaching out and grabbing and drooling and eating and growing and drooling…and maybe even working on a tooth!
Mom says she’ll write you soon.
the Tank
Jun 21, 2011 | Baby Photos, Travel..ling Tuesdays
While Goo-Goo, Gammy, and Auntie Lyn were visiting, we took a {previously mentioned} leisurely drive to Noordhoek, where a sweet little stopping spot filled our afternoon with a splendid diversion. The spot is called Noordhoek Trading Post, and it boasts a couple of sweet little restaurants, some shopping, and a playground so delightful, the Bear took one look at it and wet his pants. I’ll leave you to guess whether I mean that literally.
Noordhoek is a sweet little corner of Cape Town not far from b-e-a-uuu-tiful Chapman’s Peak Drive. {That might be the backside of Chapman’s Peak right dere. But I could be wrong.} The name literally translates “North Hook” but I suppose “hoek” is used around here kind of like “corner” where I come from, like Spivey’s Corner, with the annual hollerin’ contest. And don’t try to put a ‘g’ on that, it just ain’t right.

I digress. Noordhoek has a beautiful long stretch of beach that reminds me of North Carolina beaches…sans the mountains nearby, of course.
There’s a lot of Cape Dutch thatched roofage in Noordhoek. I like it.

And look! I found my flag…Americans must be welcome! Finally, we’re welcome somewhere!

We briefly perused the {tourist-priced} goodies…

which were certainly adorable

and interesting

and bounteously plentiful {or plentifully bounteous?}

but nevertheless tourist priced, so on we went in search of grub, and found it here.

The Bear found himself here:

and here

and here

and, with a Goo-Goo in tow, here

{Are those the pants we changed into, out of pee pants? Who knows…}
The Tank found himself here…

and here

and bestillmyheartIlovethisbaby, right in front of the camera lens, here:

And thanks to this:

and a good Goo-Goo,

we got to sit here

and enjoy a scrumptious lunch. Yay! {Auntie Lyn’s treat! Thank you!!!}
The Travelling Tuesday Review: Nice place to stop with the little ones! Cafe Roux is yummy. {Try not to get roped in on the tourist goodies.} But if you stroll through the awesome bakery (sorry, it just felt wrong to take pictures in there) grab an almond croissant for me. And, if you could, pronounce it KWA-sont, when you pass it to me. Keep it posh. Thanks a million.
Hope you’re having a great week!
Jun 20, 2011 | Baby Photos
Just thought I’d pop up and say hi.
And I don’t mean to brag, but I’m turning four this week.
Yeah, four months.
I’d strut if I could.

Hope your week is off to a good start!