Sometimes, when I try to look too far into the future and I can’t see what’s coming next, I can get anxious. (The example of having a kid with an MRI scheduled for next month comes to mind…)
I get into these anxious circles of trying to decide what I’ll decide to decide. So my mind will start thinking something like this:
“If X happens, then I’ll Y, but if A happens, then I’ll B. But gosh, what if C happens… would it be better to D or E?”
…looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,
who for the joy set before Him endured the cross,
despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand
of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2
But once my brain is finished rehearsing contingency plans for each possible future reality, I don’t actually feel any better than I did before.
I just feel like I’ve spent a lot of time worrying… and I still don’t really have an outcome to cling to.
If I’m laying awake at night and my mind is spinning through all these possible realities, there’s usually only one thing that solves the problem.
I can only stop the mental swirl if I change my focus to Jesus.
If my mind is like a bicycle wheel, spinning through these series of thoughts, worries and plans based on things that haven’t happened yet, turning to Jesus is like putting a stick between the stokes. He makes the spinning stop.
One of the most powerful things about taking our eyes off our own circumstances and putting them on Jesus is that we remember how He has been faithful before, and it helps our hearts to start trusting He will be faithful again.
So I just begin praying, in my heart, “Jesus, I’m scared about this possible future reality. But I know you already know about it. I trust You. I trust You are good. I trust You can work all things together for my good. Please remember me. Help my anxious heart find peace.”
(And if as soon as I finish praying the swirl starts up again, I go right back to praying, or I try to recite scriptures I’ve memorized in my mind until I fall asleep.)
Is there anything you’re letting your mind swirl around this week, dear one?
Let prayer put a stick between the spokes of that spinning wheel. Bring it all to Jesus. The big and the small. The good, the bad and the ugly. You are welcome and you are beloved. Fix your eyes on the author and finisher of your faith… because He is truly committed to finishing the good work He’s begun in you.

P.S. Did you hear what I made for you? I created a new resource called Guided Sacred Space. It’s a series of Scriptures with prompts for prayer that are meant to invite you into a quiet moment with God, perhaps differently from how you normally meet Him, or perhaps for the first time if you’re new to spending time with God. I hope this resource serves you well and welcome your feedback!
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