Though my heart knows It’s All Gonna Fold and that’s okay, still it’s tough to see the first year of our little one’s life come and go. Though today he’s really only a day older than yesterday, and only two days past the day before, still this counting we like to do gives opportunity for reflection — and the reminder that it does indeed fly by, our time, and we best take heed, number our days, and have the time of our life.
For the sake of the grandparents and relatives far and wide and across the pond, and for the interest of you other dear friends whom I cherish who might take an interest, here’s the year in review, through those precious monthly photos I’m now ever-so glad we took the time to take. And I might throw in a few extras because, well just because.
As many of you know, it started right here with the 90 minutes (or less) labour, and the nine minute delivery of the nine pound boy.
Those precious first meetings and first moments…oh my heart.
{This is the picture that almost wasn’t.}

We began the monthly tradition with a simple blue pillow as a frame of reference for size…
{Photographing a One Month Old…}
He captured our hearts so quickly.
And isn’t being a brother just so special?
Another month went by…so many changes, so fast!
We captured a picture that captured my heart…
Or two…
And suddenly…
Our days in Gordon’s Bay began to fold up like a blanket,
but our boys kept our spirits flying high.
And month four was the last one on that lovely couch we bought at an auction, in that lovely home we miss dearly.
Then it was tears and packing, boxes and goodbyes, filling up Mr. Potato Head to the brim, for one more long trip from Gordon’s Bay to Bloemfontein.
We celebrated month five in Bloem. Tiger Tank happy as ever.
We relished moments that would become precious memories.
And we made that magical trip to the Kruger National Park…

And there’s just too much to tell about that…

A birthday boy!
And before we knew it, five was six! Half a year, come and gone!
{Six Months, on the Hubs’ Birthday!}
This baby seemed to find it all hilarious.
After a beautiful trip to Knysna, it was time to head to the airport, and on to the UK.
He rather fancied London, we think.
But Scotland even more so…
And then it was North Carolina. And some introductions.
And, Big Brother started preschool.
But since North Carolina takes us halfway through Tiger Tank’s Inaugural year, and this little post has gotten rather long, we’ll pick up where we left off tomorrow! My heart, wandering down this memory lane — it needs a break!
More to come–