Hi guys and gals! I’m kicking off a Whole Foods Holiday series today {pause for a round of applause} with a wonderful step-by-step from the awesome magician/Mom behind a site I’ve shared with you before, Se7en. {Here’s the Travelling Tuesday where I showed you around her place!} Mrs. Se7en and her Se7en + 1 kididdles do some amazing things in the kitchen. Often involving food. But also arts and crafts. And homeschool. Today she’s introducing a simple way to make your own Tomato Sauce in Se7en easy steps!
Born up a tree!
Many folks think that cooking from scratch is quite unachievable, and it is easier to just buy instant meals, instant sauces and well instant everything!!! What we have discovered as a family is that we eat more and more food, cooking from scratch. It all began with having an allergic child and I started reading food labels.
While I was looking for allergens, I discovered just what we were eating and I didn’t want to feed it to our children. The trouble with pre-prepared food is that it is packed with heaps of sugar, and filled with unnecessary additives and colorants. We made a decision to start cooking from scratch. It is not only healthier but it is a whole lot cheaper. Remember the more an item of food has been processed or packaged and the further it has traveled the more expensive it is going to be. Often it is just so much easier to buy bulk and save and make a batch of something.
It wasn’t really an overnight switch, just a consistent and conscious effort to change and eagerness to try new recipes with our kids.

We started by baking our own bread and then we moved onto pasta and before we knew it we were cooking all our meals from scratch. My older kids have become adept at them and I tell you, you will never want to eat shop bought pasta again — you just won’t!!! The first few attempts were a grand mess, and nothing like the smooth ease that you see when watching the “Food Channel,” but practice really does breed success.

- A Batch of tomatoes.
- Salt
- Pepper
- Olive Oil
- Crushed garlic, you can use whole garlic cloves as well.
Let’s Play The Game:
1. Begin by roughly chopping your tomatoes – I usually cut them into eight… quick and easy, no time for perfection!!!
2. Pop your chopped tomatoes into a roasting pan.
3. Lavish salt and freshly ground pepper onto your tomatoes And pop your crushed garlic into the mix as well. If you only have cloves of garlic – all the better. Drop the whole cloves into the tomato mix
4. Sprinkle some olive oil over your tomatoes and then pop the tray of tomatoes into a hot oven and leave them there to roast.
5. When your tomatoes start to brown then you take them from the oven and leave them to cool.
6. Once they have cooled you can put your roast tomatoes through the blender.
7. Blend away and keep it in the largest jar you can find on the shelf in the refrigerator. And the Se7en + 1th Step:
- 8. Now when we make the sauce we keep it really simple, and then add whatever we want to it later when we use it for our meals. You can use your sauce in so many ways:
- Plain with a few crushed basil leaves on fresh pasta, top it with a pile of parmesan.
- As the topping for a pizza, We use it for lunch a lot. Roll out your batch of pizza dough, top with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese and it is almost instant pizza.
- Brown an onion or two and add the sauce and you have a fabulous sauce for Spaghetti and Meatballs.
- Brown some onions and mince and then add your tomato sauce and you have almost instant bolognaise sauce.
Really a jar of tomato sauce is indispensable, so quick to make and then so useful in any number of dishes. If you would like to try more recipes like these then feel free to follow the link:

After reading the recipe, I asked Se7en if you needed to peel the tomatoes because I wondered if you’d notice the peels in the sauce. She replied:
I am the laziest cook in the world and when a recipe asks for peeled tomatoes I often skip it and then I always regret it. However, with this recipe the skins are so soft after the roasting, and then once you have blended them you don’t notice them at all… really – and I have a few fussy folk who would mention it!!!
P.S. It’s not too late to join the Whole Foods Holidays party. Get in touch if you have something you want to share! Or, if you already have something on your blog that you’d like to link to, let me know — I might just host a little link-up for this occasion. 🙂
Hay Caroline… So good to be visiting on your blog again!!! Hope your move goes really smoothly, after all the “in-transit” for the longest time. It will be good to settle in one place for a little bit!!! Lots of lekker love from all of us!!!
Thanks so much my friend!! You are such a treasure! We are excited to stay in one place for a while!
This looks great – been looking for another homemade tomato sauce recipe so I can have a sauce for my turkey meatballs!!
This looks great – something I’ve wanted to do in ages! Just wanted to ask how long can you keep it for (with our herd I like to cook up jams, chutney etc… in bulk every few months so I’m not making it every few days) do you preserve it somehow? Otherwise is it better to just make enough to use at a time?
Keep up with your great blog