On Thursday, I spoke a little bit about Making Your Christmas Decisions Now — and I hope that my words didn’t feel like a whole lot of talk about what you should cut out of your holiday, without much talk about what you should put into it. There was one more thing I wanted to put into words but didn’t quite have a grasp of yet.
Which is probably always the case, but ya know.
When Jesus spoke up, announcing the beginning of His ministry He said:
God’s Spirit is on me;
he’s chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor,
Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and
recovery of sight to the blind,
To set the burdened and battered free,
to announce, “This is God’s Year to act!” (Luke 4:18-19, the Message)
There is a marked difference between the person who says they follow Jesus because of what they don’t do, and the person who says they follow Jesus because of what they do.
I am hungry for my life to speak His Name in action, for the world to see His people living in the name of Love. And when we celebrate the Father sending His Son into this world for us, I want it to be about Him!
So add that to those other thoughts if you will. And share some of your own, if you like!
Insert here, mayhaps, an unceremonious segue into a discussion of something I do very much enjoy, as a part of celebrating the Savior’s birth.
We are blessed with an incredible team of ministry partners, which you are welcome to join, by the way. They pray for us and partner with us to make our ministry possible. Some have even been supporting me since I boarded that plane in Atlanta to head for Scotland! Wowzers! That was six years ago!
And in addition to sending regular newsletters to report back to our supporters each month, we send Christmas cards at the end of the year just to say weloveyouthankyouthankyouthankyou and this time around to also say, lookwe’vegottwoboysnow,whoohoo! If only the cards would give me enough space to say everything I wanted to say with spaces.
We’ve had decent experiences with a few different companies over the years, but last year I designed our cards and my Mom’s Christmas cards with Shutterfly and they were beautiful. If I do say so myself. We also designed the cards from the first year we were married with Shutterfly with a sweet little picture from our wedding, but I don’t have that one to show you. Sowwy. Just imagine them being precious. Cuz they were.
I think I showed you a screenshot of ours from last year:
{The Tank was still on the inside!}
And after I did that one we took some photos at Thanksgiving for my Mom’s and I designed hers with Shutterfly, too and it was a Stationery Card and the quality of the paper was lovely — it was like nice card stock instead of photo paper, if that makes sense.
I loved it!
{That’s my nieceypoo in case you don’t know. She’s a darlingpreciousangelpumpkin and she’s presently working on potty training!}
They have some gorgeous new designs this year, and I think this one might be my favorite for showcasing my favorite photo of the year, thankyouverymuchmyHeroHubs.

However, this one is square and requires extra postage and I don’t think I’m gonna spring for that. But look at that fresh, yet vintage little red bird! I love him!
So here’s the good news. Today we’re giving away, for you and a friend, a trip to Turks & Caicos with two first class tickets andΓ’β¬Β¦show ’em what else they’ve won, Vanna…
I wish.
But seriously.
I’m giving away 25 Free Holiday Cards at Shutterfly to three readers who are just lucky enough to have stumbled across this site today. Or else you’re here all the time, in which case, are we related?
I’m kidding again.
But seriously.
I have a brainbuster of a question for you to answer in order to enter to win this giveaway.
In the comments, tell me about a favorite memory from Christmas when you were a kid. Or, tell me about one of your favorite Christmas traditions. Or, tell me how you’re planning to Love More with Less this Christmas. Or, tell me whether you read this blog, and if you do, why.
You can pretty much talk about whatever you want, but don’t be cheeky.
The Bear will randomly select three winners out of the singing cookie jar that the Tank likes to play with. As soon as we can get it away from the Tank.
Just comment by Tuesday, November 1st, 12 midnight Eastern Standard Time.
Then you can head over to Shutterfly and look at their cards for this year. Hopefully in a few days you’ll score some for free!
P.S. Behave yoself and just enter once. If I discover you’ve entered more than once, your name won’t go in the singing cookie jar. I’ll email the winners their special codes to get their cards on Wednesday and announce ’em here. Amen.
P.P.S. You can have an extra entry if you like this site on Facebook. It’s the right thing to do.
P.P.P.S You can have one more entry if you subscribe to this site in a reader. It only seems fair.
I read your blog because you are funny and sweet and you love your children so much, and you don’t care who knows it. I read your blog because you don’t take yourself too seriously, but you take Jesus seriously and you want to love Him more and serve Him better. I read your blog because I am constantly amazed at the way you make time to sow encouragement into your family and friendle readers as well as into lonely people bumbling around on the internet even though you are a mum of two tiny ones and have no fixed abode. Because your writing is sensual – it has fragrance and colour and emotion. I read your blog because it’s very close to the same as getting a hug from you. Not quite, but almost. I read your blog because I love you and I’m loved by you. YOU’RE AWESOME!
Pammy, you are such an incredible encourager! I do love you and think the world of you! xoxo
Love this! I too have begun thinking about Christmas cards. I want to wait a bit longer to do pictures so FJ is older and she can actually give us a smile for the camera and not at a gas bubble! Hmm, my favorite Christmas tradition, I think it would have to be taking time to open our gifts on Christmas morning. Of course this was incredibly annoying when we were little. We just wanted to tear them open! But, my parents explained we do this so everyone can see what you get and share in your joy. This is much more appreciated now that we are older.
I love that thought. We used to wait and watch each other open presents and more recently it seems like we all just kind of go for it. I am fighting for the good tradition this year!
We are only giving 3 gifts each to our girls….it was hard but we are happy we chose this path! It was good enough for Jesus!!!
Good stuff! I think we’re going to join you!
Thank you so much for hosting this giveawy. i was refrered here by a friend who follows. I really like your blog and i’m signing up to follow π
my holiday tradition is to cook cheese fritters and sing songs while we light the Hanukkah candles. We don’t spend much this time of year. the kids use to get a few gifts during Hanukkah, but now that they are grown we just love to spend time togeather, pray togeather, and celebrate the wonderful holidays of our forfathers traditions. (we are Jewish) π
have a blessed day, shalom, lori
I would love to experience that — sounds really special, Lori! Hope you enjoy it again this year!
i follow via yahoo reader
i liked you on face book.. lori virginia
Ooooh these cards are classy! Except I might not be classy enough to spell classy like that. Round these parts, I mostly just strive to be KLASSY. (And normally I HATE misspellings on purpose. It’s not cute it’s just wrong!)
What am I talking about?
I would like to win Christmas cards, please. π
You are hilarious! And Klassy. Love ya.
ALSO! I subscribe to your blog in google reader. Yep, sure do. Extra entry, #pleaseandthanks
We have a few Christmas traditions such as always going to the midnight service at church and always eating sandwiches for lunch on Christmas day because my grandmother didn’t believe in cooking on Christmas day. David and I always buy an ornament from places we’ve traveled instead of useless souvenirs so our tree reflects our journey together. We’ll be adding 2 new ornaments from Hawaii this year!
I can’t imagine not cooking on Christmas day but I kind of like the idea! Except I would miss the food!
We just do the food on Christmas Eve instead so we still get the good food but no one has to slave in the kitchen on Christmas Day.
I also follow you in Google reader for an extra entry.
I also like your site on Facebook for an additional entry.
My mom is the knee-baby (next to the youngest) of eleven kids. Every Christmas, we would spend the morning with our immediate families and then all the kids and their families get together for lunch and to exchange lots of presents.
Christmas of 1994, we were to go to my Aunt Margaret’s house but, the plan changed.
My aunt called my mom early in the morning to let her know that her husband, my uncle, was sick, and she needed my mom to become to host to the fifty-some family members in just a few hours.
My mom got us up, and our little family Christmas was put into fast-forward. The four of us exchanged gifts and then got to cleaning.
Needless to say, it was a high-stressful Christmas, but it’s one that I remember the most. My family and I came together in a time of need, and now we can laugh at our Christmas in overdrive!
Thanks for sharing! Missions has taken a whole different meaning to me as I am a second-generation Nigerian American. I almost feel like I have been trained for missions by being a missionary to America via my mother’s womb. Actions do speak louder than words. Every society has it’s vices, and am painfully aware that American Society is full of Words and Intentions that don’t necessarily correlate with Action. I am grateful for the liberties and opportunities availed, but am saddened by a sordid past that continues to work it’s way into the Fabric of everyday life. May the Church continue to be the Pillar of Truth.
Ugonna, words and intentions not correlating with action — such a thought close to my heart. I want to live differently! Lord help the church be yours!
Love to read your blig because it is so uplifting and I also love seeing what’s going on with you and yours. One of my favorite Christmas mwmories is when tgere were sleigh tracks and hoof prints in the dusting of snow in our yard on Christmas morning. It was pure magic.
Thanks, sweet Natasha! You are a one-of-a-kind sweetheart! I love the sleigh tracks and hoof prints story! So neat!
Hi…I just happened upon your blog here π My favorite Christmas memory is when my younger brother and I wanted to catch “Santa” in action so we made up our “operation Christmas” plan with wallow talkies and everything. However we fell asleep before any of out plan happened.
Last year was my first year to send out Christmas cards and I was hesitant because I’m not married and I don’t have kids but I still wanted to share about my year with my dear friends and family. They all loved the cards and I enjoyed making them on shutterfly. Maybe I’ll win some free ones this year π
Krista, your story is SO sweet!! And I”m glad you send Christmas cards. My friend Pam (comment above!) is a delightful single lady and her cards are always my favorite EVERY year. Hands down. She makes them herself and talks about the year (and has a fab sense of humor) and I just love ’em! So I hope you keep at it!!
Loved our conversation about Christmas the other day when we were visiting. Chosing to do more with less is a wonderful thing our family tries to do each year. It’s November 1st and I’ve already started planning for Christmas–a first for me since we have family birthdays before Thanksgiving that require attention. I’m using Pinterest to explore means by which I can give more without spending so much. It feels great. My roommate and I might do Christmas cards, too, so I’ve already started designing something fun. Thanks for getting me in the Christmas spirit early, Caroline!
I miss getting to see you round these parts at Christmas, Camden! Love ya!
I liked you on Facebook!
You are so kind to be doing a giveaway. However, if my name happens to be picked, please use the giveaway for yourself and your family.
I am glad you are back safe and sound in America. I know your family is glad to have you back also. The boys are so handsome and growing up so fast. I know they are a true blessing to you.
As for favorite Christmas memories, I have many. Right now I am enjoying my Christmas with my nieces and nephews. There is nothing like seeing the joy of Christmas through a child’s eye and I am very thankful to God that I am able to spend them with family.
God bless you and your family in all you do and you faithfulness in serving Him.
Thanks so much Barbara! Shutterfly is already giving me cards as a part of hosting the giveaway, but you are so thoughtful and sweet! We are going to be in Atlanta for Thanksgiving again this year. I would really love to meet you in real life this time!! Blessings to you, one after another!
Caroline, I always love reading your blogs because, quite honestly, they inspire me not to take the life that God has given me for granted. I’m glad that you and your family are here in Greenville :).
As far as a Christmas tradition goes…when I was a kid, my brother, sister and I would wait at the top of the stairs in our two-story home early on Christmas morning. My parents would go downstairs to make sure that Santa left our presents. Then, after they oohed and aahed, they would tell us it was ok to come down. We’d race downstairs to find quite a loot in the den. Santa never disappointed. I could never figure out how he knew what I really wanted. π
I’d have to say my best Christmas memory would be when I was 15 and my dad came home from Iraq and I had no idea he was in town already. I was staying with my granny and when I got home I started to walk past the Christmas tree to my room and my dad had taken a huge box and wrapped it in wrapping paper and he was in it with a bow on his head. He looked so silly and he said Merry Christmas it had been a 7 or 8 month deployment and tears of joy filled my eyes that was absolutely the best Christmas I could have ever asked for, and now this December he will be coming home from Afghanistan I haven’t seen him in 3 years because he was here in California while I was in Texas, its my turn to surprise him and at this homecoming he will be meeting his first grandchild natalie. I think this December and Christmas will be the best one yet! Goodluck to everyone I loved all your stories! Merry Christmas! God Bless!
Paige, I was a little teary-eyed just reading that. How wonderful! I wish you a very Merry Christmas indeed — sounds like it already will be! Blessings one after another!