Hi friends! Along with preparing suitcases, laundry, toys, and the expectations of one little Bear, I’ve been preparing a few goodies for you while we’re travelling. I know right? You can thank me later.
You can look forward to some photos of my favourite six-month-old {and possibly yours, if we’re related or you don’t have any friends with six-month-olds}, the recap of when three became the new two, some guest posts extraordinaire, and maybe a little more of this and that, let’s just see how it goes.
In the meantime, question.
How have six months passed since this happened?
Wasn’t that last Tuesday?
Feel free to say a prayer for us… the little sicknesses here and there… our stuffed suitcases… Goo-Goo and Gammy…
MANY thanks (again) to you sweet friends who’ve emailed to let me know you’re thinking of us. It means SO much! Although this transition isn’t easy, we are well.
More on the way!
Too little too late, you are probably airborne by now… But I wanted to say: Travel safely my friends and I am praying for your safe arrival and settling in. Lots of lekker love to you all.
aww your baby is so adorable, so fragile. be safe always