Happy Tuesday, chicos y chicas! It’s a busy week ’round these parts, lots on the heart and on the mind…but more on that and how God is moving our mountains soon!
In the meantime, I’m delighted to share with you a wee privilege I enjoyed the other week and am so happy to tell you about. Quite a while ago I stumbled upon the website of a Mama Extraordinaire, M.E., for short, (but not me…you get the idea) who is an incredible nurturing, loving, homeschooling Mama to not one, not two, not three, okay this could take all day, not seven, but eight amazing kids.
Her blog is called se7en (when she started it there were only seven pairs of kiddie feet to count pattering around the house) and is very aptly subtitled “The Life and Times of a Homeschooling Mom of Se7en +1.”
Se7en’s site is packed full of goodies from baking recipes (be still, my heart…or tummy) to craft ideas, homeschooling tips and tools, book suggestions…and the list goes on. She shares awesome ideas for getting your kids to read, welcoming newborns into the home (and dealing with older siblings in the process)…okay I’ll stop, but I could go on. For quite a while.
We got connected a wee while ago through the amazing internets, and Mrs. Se7en herself suggested that if we were going to be in her neck of the woods (did I mention she’s also right here in SA, in the Western Cape, no less!) that I should touch base. We were going to be a hop, skip and a jump down the road last week. And it occurred to HH and myself, with very short notice, that we would indeed be in the Se7en neck of the woods and joy, oh joy, I emailed, she phoned, and instead of on our way home, we were on our way to hers!
Now we’ve gone far too long without photos for a Travelling Tuesday. So here’s one!
{There was so much life and beauty and tidiness in this place! Those untidy bags on the floor there are mine! Cheeky me!}
I was so impressed with the organisation and peacefulness of this home to eight kids (plus two grownups!).
Each kid with a unique manner and personality, with spunk and charisma, with charm and politeness, and so much friendliness!

We were spoiled with at least three or four tour guides for most of our visit and I just loved seeing the craft ideas coming to life, the shelves and shelves of beautiful and loved books, the happy faces enjoying life to the full.
You can imagine who fit right in and found himself rather happy… {and rather sad to leave!}
It was delightful to meet Se7en in real life… Inspiring and special, indeed!
Now I have to comment, because I know what some of you are thinking: One is a pet, Eight is a zoo! But it was absolutely not the case. One older one was helping Mom with the bread for lunch, another was entertaining a couple of younger ones so the grownups could chat… {Did you see an older one helping my younger one in the picture above?} And even though we’d called with short notice, it seemed there was “a place for everything, and everything in its place.”
And I’m afraid, even though it’s Tuesday, I must digress a little further.
The other day I read this post and was challenged and encouraged by these simple words:
“Do you know what the Bible calls riches? Children.”
And it put me deep in thought about something I’ve thought a bit about before: do we often decide not to have kids, or specifically not to have more kids for the wrong reasons? Is there more to life than making sure you can pay for all your kids to go to college? (And haven’t we faith that Little Brother is going to play football like nobody’s business and earn a scholarship?) Have you ever heard anyone say {other than perhaps in jest!} “I wish we’d stopped at two.”? Have you ever heard anyone say “I wish we’d had one more?” It seems to me the latter is more common.
I would never stretch to say that those who don’t have children or are unable to have children are poor — many are the blessings of the Lord — but I would dare to say our society has come to see children as a liability rather than an asset. A hindrance rather than a help. But could that be because of the way we are parenting? Are they burdens to carry or blessings to count? Mouths to feed or hands to help?
What a pleasure to see the latter of each of those options shining brightly just down the road.
I’ll return from my stroll down Digression Lane, but I would love your thoughts on this subject. Are you saying “Just Two And We’re Through”? Or “We’re at Four, Lord give us more!” {Why??}
The colour and vibrance of this home were heartwarming and welcoming…
but what really made this house a home was the beautiful kids in it.
{One sweetie pie got a camera for her birthday and is putting it to good use!}
{Look, Baby Blake is asleep in the stroller across the way!}
We were lined up for a family photo before our departure… But look who was disappointed at the thought of leaving!
Dear Se7en {+1!},
Thank you all so much for your wonderful hospitality! It was a delight to come for a visit. We certainly hope to be in your neck of the woods again soon!
Lots of love from our clan to yours!
{And hoping for you, dear friends and readers, that you enjoy your adventure wherever your travels take you next… Happy Tuesday!}
P.S. If you’d like more from Se7en +1, click here! Enjoy!
Loved all of the photos! What a fun visit it must’ve been! I’m constantly amazed by how wonderfully talented my friends are as parents. Love you lots!
Please introduce me to some of your talented parenting friends so I can take notes! 🙂 Can’t wait to see you later this year! Loveya!
Oh you are just the best guys!!! Thank you so much!!! You make our house look wonderful… It was such a privilege to have you guys over, I only wish we had got together sooner!!! Must remember to take family pictures on arrival rather than departure!!!
I wish we’d gotten a picture of your whole crew together — only afterwards did I realise the gap that was missing!! We don’t even have photos of some of your sweet hoodlings who I enjoyed reading a cookbook with!
So wonderful to see that home again – we have so many good memories of visiting there, and the bright vibrancy is a reflection of the beauty of the family that lives there – I could not agree more!!
It’s true! They are so special. Glad you enjoyed!
What a great visit; but especially liked the comments re children being a blessing, and not a liability.
Glad you enjoyed it! They truly are a blessing!
Hi there. i like visiting se7en +1 myself every once in a while…. They do make everyone feel welcome and the entiere committee (i.e. hoods) will show you everything they have done that week. I also have the privilege of attending shurch with them. It is indeed a priviledge to know them. 🙂
They are great, aren’t they!? 🙂
This was beautiful to read. I am grateful that I can at least visit online!! We have only two children (similar ages to yours) but we do aspire to the view that more would be a blessing and welcome.
We are more and more feeling the same way! I wouldn’t mind letting Baby Brother get a little older first! 🙂