Some see it as an obligation, a duty or a responsibility. Some go so far as to see it as a right. But I was rather taken by the notion this morning at church that motherhood is more appropriately seen as a calling.
Answering that call often means putting other calls on hold.

It often means sacrifice. It often means heartache. It usually means pain like you’ve never felt before.

But it most certainly, for me, has meant unspeakable joy. It has meant life with bountiful laughter.
It has meant a life filled with constant reminders to slow down and enjoy the moment.
And though there are many other appropriate words for motherhood, my favourite of all is privilege.

It’s a privilege to be blessed with these boys for however many days they’re mine. And it’s a privilege worth stewarding. Worth prayerfully covering. Worth diligently and delicately holding.

May grace abound to each of you dear Mothers, today. May God grant you His presence, wisdom, peace and joy as you answer the call to motherhood. May you hold it dear as a privilege, and may your children call you blessed.

Love and blessings to my dear sister who is also a Mother. I love you and think you’re a fantastic Mom!
Much love and many thanks to my dear Mother-in-Love today. Your son would not be the wonderful man he is today without you! I’m so grateful!
And special thanks and praise to my amazing Mother who I love so dearly! You are absolutely, wonderfully one of a kind. Your sacrificial love has been a steadfast companion all the days of my life and I’m so very, very grateful for you. It is one of my most prized, and truly priceless possessions — the joy of calling you my Mom. Thank you!
I pray for those of you reading this, desiring the privilege of motherhood, that the Lord would grant that desire of your heart in His good timing, and that His grace and peace will be yours in the meantime.
Happy Mother’s Day to all near and far, privileged to be called Mother.
And What a Beautiful mother you are!!! I love your photographs and the history you are documenting is so special… Happy Mother’s Day to you.
Thank you!! Happy Mother’s Day to you, eight times over! You must be the most amazing Mom in the Western Cape! 🙂
Aw, thanks. I do ok. But from the looks of the girls prom dresses last night, this is the easy part! 😉
Love you!
I saw a few pics and Wow! I think you’re right! Love you!
Oh yeah!!! I’m crying–with joy! Motherhood is a very special privilege that God blesses us with.
Love you honey,
Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day!!
Thanks, sweet friend!! Think you’ll take a visit back to GVegas after we’ve resettled there? 🙂
Love this article, and I gotta tell you, for me it was one of those you-me right here (eye to eye motion) moments. Earlier today when I was getting stressed out chasing after/fussing at Lena, then all of a sudden my thoughts switched to how blessed I was to have this little energetic person in my life, that being her mother was a privilege. It was kinda neat being “put in my place,” so to speak.
Glad it helped re-frame the moment for you! Beautiful Lena IS such a blessing! She’s awesome and so are you!! xoxo