So…a week late and a Dassie short, I have finally gotten together the Dassiesfontein shots for you. I hope you’ll think they were worth the wait! And that you’ll forgive the delay!
Here’s the backstory: Travelling along the N2 (one of the major highways in SA) you’ll pass some gorgeous South African scenery, like this:
And you might happen to pass a big old barn with “DASSIESFONTEIN” across the top of it, like this:
And you might happen to say to your Hero Hubs, or he might happen to say to you, “We ought’ta stop there sometime.”
And you might even decide to take a drive there, thinking there’s a whole village somewhere off the highway past that barn, only to discover when you ask your Hero Hubs as you pull into the parking lot, “Now, wait, is this all of Dassiesfontein?” And he might laugh at you as he has to inform you that the contents of this wee barn are Dassiesfontein in its entirety. And you might be a bit surprised, laugh, or disbelieve him for a while and then feel silly.
Mayhaps. I’m just saying it could happen.
Now remember, Dassies are the little beaver-like creatures I told you about in Hermanus, which are apparently more closely related to the elephant than any other living species. Could’ve fooled me. And “Dassiesfontein” would literally be translated from Afrikaans “fountain of Dassies.” And since there are lots of other -fonteins in SA, like wonderful Bloemfontein for example, I was expecting a town. With lotsa Dassies.
I got neither.
But Good News, even if this is all there is to Dassiesfontein, it. is. still. awesome. And Hero Hubs captured the awesomeness, and here I am, mayhaps a Tuesday late, but nevertheless present, to bring the (non-Dassied) Dassiesfontein to you. (Cuz we didn’t see nay one bit of a dassie there. Ahem.)
For starters, they have several rooms with splendid things for sale:

I love him.
Amen. {I’m kidding, HH, you’re irreplaceable!}
Beautiful Crosses like the one we gave Agnes!
Sweet things for your weans and bairns. (That’s Scots for Kinder, which is German for niños, which is Spanish for children.)
They also had some beautiful antique furniture and kitcheny stuff:
I will gladly pay you Tuesday for this gorgeous piece of furniture today. And by Tuesday I mean some Tuesday in 2013, please.
And look! Right through here is the wine shop!
Complete with cheese.
Not colourful candles like I first thought.
The lovely stuff just goes on.
And on.
And on.
And I almost forgot, the Bear made a friend!
Well, he tried anyway.
So we piddled around a good wee while,
and scooted into the restaurant for a great lunch.
Did I mention they have plants?
And a delightfully rustic feel?
And {special treat!} I got to take one of these crates home with me:
And then I read that they were trendy on this blog, and felt really special for being ahead of the game. (Cos that’s usually my sister.)
Now. For the big finish, I feel a TT in Dassiesfontein wouldn’t be complete without some moody, black and white Fotografien, which is German for fotografias, which is Portuguese for фотоÑнимки, which is Russian for photographs.
{As you see above, you can see more at And in case you’re wondering, this is not a paid post. The Dassies-folk don’t have a clue who I am. But I wouldn’t turn down some free stuff if they offered.}
And dat was my fave.
I hope that was a Travelling Tuesday worth waiting for. Happy Tuesday! May the road rise to meet you wherever your reis, which is Dutch for 旅途 , which is Chinese for journey takes you next!
Now if I only knew why they named it Dassiesfontein, which is Afrikaans for… 🙂
AHH! I must go there!
Jenny, you would LOOOOVE it! I hope you do go soon.
That store is too cool! I think I would go a little crazy in there. Especially the wine, and the cheese, and the lanterns. Definitely the lanterns.
I saw this adorable idea on a blog the other day where they used a ladder to hang lanterns above a dining room table. It was awesome!!!
I hope we can find a place like this near Pretoria! Looks like a fun place to get lost in for a while.
I feel sure you’ll find something! A lot of this is really popular decor in SA!! Not long till takeoff for you — exciting!